Vanilla Ice and My Son

Okay, for real.  I’m jealous of all you people out there who have awesome hair.  It is not that you’ve got incredible hair per say, it is the fact that you can do something with it.  You can style it.  I have been shaving my head for over 4 years now not because I want to be prematurely bald.  No, I have been shaving my head because my hair simply will not style in any other way.  I grew up with a comb over, I tried the shaggy surfer hair, and I would say for a vast majority of my adult life I’ve had chia pet hair.  You know the kind that just poofs out.

I have vowed that Noah will not inherit my comb over, or the chia pet hair cut.  So, since the other day he started to look like this guy… We decided that something must be done.  So, we busted out the clippers and I went to work.  He sure was a trooper. Here’s how it went down.  (Barber of Seville style)

Just so you know, I’m open for business, if you are looking for a new do!



The Little Theologian That Could…

Yesterday as we were traveling from home to school, Noah said the most incredible thing.  First we were talking about the fact that it was raining, and then we spoke about the colors of the cars around us.  As I pulled into the church parking lot I noticed that he was once again looking out of the back window up in the sky towards the steeple.  I asked him what he was looking at.  His response direct from his mouth;

“The cross.  It is a kind of treasure for the Church.”

I smiled back at him and said, “yeah you are right it sure is buddy.”

My little theologian.

That challenged me right to my core.  So I’ll pass the challenge on to you.

  1. Have you looked to the cross today?
  2. Is the cross a treasure to you?


lazy saturday

Every now and then it is really nice to just sit and relax…  This morning proved to be one of those days.  Noah and I enjoyed a morning together, while Tiffany and Grace ran to the grocery store, (clearly not as much fun!) to get a few necessary items.  I wanted to share with you a glimpse of our morning.

What is your favorite thing to do on your “Lazy Saturday”?


Why we had kids: Part 4

So, every one always says man you guys had kids early!  Yes I guess we did.  But… I’ll tell you what, it has never been better than this!  I guess about two weeks ago now our dishwasher broke.  (I know that there are a handful of you crazies out there who don’t have one…  Yes you are spiritually stronger than I, and yes You are closer to God…) but man, I’ve been feeling the pain of not having that bad boy.  My hands are softer now than they have ever been thanks to palmolive… My patience with Dishes has grown so thin you could almost see right through it…  Every night I look around for one more paper plate so that way there is assurance that the dish load tomorrow will be light…  (Good news is that the part is on it’s way)

But then I thought… hmm here’s another classic example of why we had kids!


Noah happily washed dishes with EXCESSIVE amounts of soap…  Hey, you won’t hear me complaining…


Here’s part 3, part 2, and part 1 of why we had kids…