3 Steps to Have Better Fights With Your Spouse

Marriage, Fights,

Before you were married, did you think that you would ever fight with your future spouse? I didn’t. I thought that everyday I would be greeted by rainbows and butterflies. I thought that those birds from Mary Poppins would fly to my window and wake me up with their merry little song. Then after a homemade breakfast I would ride into work on the back of a unicorn.

I was living in a fantasy world.

Every married couple will experience times in their relationship when they do not agree, and will display their disagreement passionately. Let’s just call it what it is- every married couple will fight. I used to work with a guy who could barely say that he and his wife would fight. The word fight just sounded so harsh to him. Let’s just do ourselves a favor and call it what it is.

The first fight that I can remember having with my wife Tiffany was in the middle of Shop Rite over what kind of ‘taco family’ we would be- soft shell or hard shell taco’s. You think I’m kidding. I’m not. You can’t make this kind of stuff up. She wanted hard shells because that’s all she ever had growing up, and I of course wanted the opposite for the same reasons as her.

Normal people will experience disruptions in their relationships. How we deal with those disruptions is the question.

When you get into these heated disagreements, you can do three things to get to the other side of that disagreement.

1. Disarm

The best thing that you can do when you feel the conversation getting a bit more heated is to disarm it-take the pot off the heat before it boils over. This is when you need to quickly clarify the situation. Clearly the other person thinks that you have done, thought, or said something. Here is where you put a stop to that thought, and quickly.

2. Define

In the midst of a fight, words can often fall out of your mouth that you never would have let slip when your emotions are a bit more calm. Heated arguments often remove the filter that we have over our tongue. One of the most helpful things you can do is to define the situation. You can do this quickly and easily by saying something like, “What I hear you saying is _________”. Or by asking a simple question, “What do you mean when you say ____________?” “Help me understand where you are coming from.” Understanding the heart of the issue helps you find a resolution to it.

3. Dig-in

Any relationship that is worth having is worth fighting for; even in the midst of your most difficult conflict. After you have disarmed the situation, and defined what you are fighting about, it is time to do the dirty work of figuring out why each other is feeling the way that you are. Take a deep breath, sit down, relax your shoulders, and begin to discuss why you are where you are. Keep asking why—eventually you will get to the bottom of it.

Just because you have a fight doesn’t mean that you are the worst couple in the world. No! Normal people have disagreements. Maybe your parents portrayed that they were the perfect couple who never fought. I promise you they did, just not in front of you. Everyone disagrees at some point in time. Do yourself a favor, commit to working it through before you get to the place of disagreement. Decide ahead of time how you are going to function when the temperature gets hotter!

Guess what kind of taco household we are now! Leave it in the comments.


4 Reasons To Make Your Kids Cry

Owning up to the truth is always a good thing.  So today in an effort to be totally transparent with you guys, I must admit something.

There are times when I make my kids cry….

Kid Crying, TearsIt’s true.  This is a picture of my daughter taken on Monday of this week.  She looks really happy doesn’t she?  I think that being a good dad, or parent means that you are going to make your kids cry from time to time!

Here are 4 reasons why it’s good to make your kids cry.

1.  They are laughing so hard that they cry!

Parents-make your kids laugh, make them laugh hard!  Your house should be one of the most fun places that your children are at during their whole week!  Dad’s make sure that your stern disciplinarian side isn’t the only side of you that your kids see.  Play with them.  Get down on their level and just mess around.  Be silly. Use your silly voices.  Imagine with them.

2.  You pushed them out of the way of danger!

There are times when your scary voice comes out.  You know exactly which one I am talking about.  It is the one that when it is used everyone around knows you mean business.  There are times when it is appropriate to allow that voice to come out in order to protect your children from danger.  When my daughter Grace was careening out of control towards the street on her bike, the scary voice came out and scared her.  She cried.  I was trying to protect her from danger.  Parents protect your kids from danger, even if it means there will be tears because of it.

3.  You showed them a better way!

Kids will be kids.  They make mistakes.  They fall down and scrape their knees.  Sometimes their mistakes are willful.  Sometimes they are pushing the boundaries and testing you to see if you will help show them a better way.  In these moments lovingly guiding your child, teaching them that their is a better way can lead to tears.  Discipline is never fun, even for adults.  But it is so important to our children.  Parents do not be afraid to cause tears over matters that are significant.

4.  You are hugging them so tight that they can’t breath!

Okay Parents DON’T actually hug your kids so hard that they can’t breathe.  Parents DO– LOVE YOU KIDS so well that it is unmistakable.  Love them in a way that ensures that they know it.  Speak the love language of your kid.  (Gary Chapman wrote a great book on this topic: “The 5 Love Languages of Children“)  Whatever you do make sure that they know you love them.  This means more than just saying the words I LOVE YOU.  It means showing them that you love them.  Something my dad always said which has never left me was that you don’t spell love L-O-V-E.  You spell it T-I-M-E.  Love your kids well.

So, what things would you add to the list?  How have you made your kids cry?  Add to the list by leaving a comment or a thought below.


Day in the Park

Last Saturday, I decided to take the kids to the park for a picnic.  This was no small undertaking since Momma was gone for her mother’s day trip.  We had a blast!  We picnicked, and the kids played in the park and then played in a stream.  It was wonderful.

I found my self being rejuvenated by the time that I was spending with my kids.  I laid with my back on the blanket, holding my 1 year old daughter above me in the air.  She was cooing, laughing and drooling all over me.  It was incredible, and I loved every moment of it.

I was on the phone the night before talking with a mentor buddy of mine and he asked me how my soul was doing.  We had a long conversation about that and then he challenged me to make sure that I was playing well too.  He was concerned that I was finding rest and joy in life as well.  This picture was the moment I realized that this was exactly where I needed to be.  In this moment I was so keenly aware of how much God has blessed my life.  I am so thankful!

Trees on Blue Sky

What a day.  I brought the camera along with me to snap some pictures of the kids.  We had a blast with that.  It turned into a little mother’s day present too!  Here is what we gave her.

What did you do for Mother’s Day?  Even more importantly, how do you refresh your soul?


Girly Picnic BasketHere’s my only issue… Why is it that the picnic basket I had looks like this?  Couldn’t we find one that was a bit more manly?  Maybe looked more like this?

My Little Newscaster

This weekend Tiffany and the kids came along with me to Morristown for Church on Sunday.  We went up on Saturday and had a great time hanging out, swimming in the hotel pool and even catching a movie.  Sunday’s are an incredibly long day for me, and because they were tagging a long with me, it was a long day for them too!  So, last night I gave Noah my iPhone to play with and pass the time while he was waiting patiently.  During dinner, he proudly showed us his “NBC 10 News Broadcast script”. It was too cool not to share.  I’m proud of this guys mind.  He is so creative.  I’m excited to see what God does with his life.  So, Enjoy! Can you understand it?  Or do you need a transl8tor? ~Peter

I couldn’t be more proud of my boy!

In a recent parent teacher conference Noah’s teacher said that she has never had a student care about others like Noah does. WOW, right? I mean as a parent I am so proud of him.  I was expecting to hear that my kid was the weird kid that stands in front of the urinal with his pants at his ankles.  AWKWARD.  But no!  Instead she surprises us with great stuff!  Then, I get this video from Tiffany today.  This just put me over the edge.  So, indulge me for a minute.

I could not be more proud of Noah, not because he wants to follow in my footsteps, but because God is developing a really soft spot in his heart for people! I LOVE THIS about him.  This reminds me to keep praying for each one of my kids.  I love them, and believe that God has something really special in store for each of them.

What are you praying about for your kids?  
