Changing Seasons and an Unchanging God

God never changesWhere I live in northeastern New Jersey, the leaves are all starting to change colors. The signs that fall is upon us are so evident. In some ways I really enjoy this. I found that I love the change of the seasons.

I am a summer guy, there is no question about that. I love almost any activity that has to do with the summer except for sweating. So the change from it being 96 degrees out with the humidity being something you can taste to a cool 70° is welcome to me right about now. As you drive around the neighborhoods, more and more pumpkins are showing up on people’s doorsteps and I’m starting to notice more cornstalks popping up around too. That one never really made sense to me, I’m just going to be honest. I get why people put up pumpkins they’re cute and decorative, I’m just not to sure about the cornstalks.

One of the things I love about the changing of the seasons is that it reminds me of what I love about the season before it. Right now I am missing sitting and soaking in the sun on a sandy beach. I am missing hearing the sound of seagulls cackle about my head. In the middle of the summer oddly enough I find myself missing a rainy spring day. And in the dead of winter, I long to be outside in a flannel shirt and a vest. Then in the spring I miss sitting under our favorite blanket on the couch with a cup of hot coffee.  Every season reminds me of the beauty and joy of the season before it.

In the midst of all of this change, I am reminded of one thing that doesn’t change–God.  Whether there are leaves on the trees or leaves on the ground, or they are somewhere in the in between stage, God is still in control.  In fact, God is the one who causes leaves to bud out, grow, and then one day fall to the ground.  God is holding that together right now.

For some of you it isn’t the natural seasons that you’re concerned about. Right now you’re in the midst of changing seasons of life. Some of you have lost a job, gotten a divorce, or found out you have cancer.  Or maybe you’ve recently become a parent, or that precious baby you used to hold in your arms is now breaking free and headed off to college.  These changing seasons can be incredibly difficult.

No matter what season of life you’re in remember that God is one who doesn’t change, even if you do.  I love the words from Lamentations 3:21-23

But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: 22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”

What is one thing you need to hope in God for today?  


2 thoughts on “Changing Seasons and an Unchanging God

  1. I’m cautious to place these absolutes on God when we have such rich scriptures.I think of the Exodus 32 where God changes his mind and shows grace is a good example in this context. (So the LORD changed his mind about the calamity he had said he would bring on his people.) As for my hope, I hope for a relaxing fall season that is full of life.

    • I’m glad you brought that up. I agree. God has shown that he can change His mind. I think of the way that Abraham bargains with God over Sodom. Great example. However, I think that God’s goodness and His grace are things that will never change. I think God’s justice is something that will never change. I think that God’s holiness and righteousness is something that will never change. I would say that things can change so long as they are in accordance with His will.

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