Chapters, Journeys, and other such things…

For four and a half years I have served as the Student Ministries Pastor at First Baptist Church of Doylestown.  There have been times when we have laughed so hard that I cried.  There have been times when I have flat out just cried.  There have been times when we stayed up all night.  There have been times when we served our community and the communities around us.  We have seen God break through in the lives of countless students and truly be their Lord and savior.  I have been given the privilege to work alongside of some really gifted individuals that love God and love others.  I have had an opportunity to train and mentor others.  I have learned new things about leadership, students, volunteers, myself, and God.  It has been an incredible journey.

God has blessed me abundantly more than I could have ever dreamed He would.

It is with a contemplative spirit that I write the ending to this chapter in our history.  I am thankful for all that God has done in and through us here at First Baptist.  We are truly excited for the future.  We are excited to dream about what God is going to do in and through us as we follow Him.  The future is filled with unknowns for us.  But whose future isn’t?  So we will walk by faith, knowing that God has never left us hanging, never let us go, or ever turned His back on us.

Some of you have been asking what I will be doing in the future.  I am excited to share with you that I have the opportunity to continue to serve alongside of great men and women.  I will be working at Liquid Church in New Jersey.  I will be working at the Morristown Campus.  For those of you into details, I will be working as an Associate Campus Pastor.  I’m super excited to figure out what that exactly means.  I know one thing, I will be able to continue to lead people to life and growth in Christ and partner with others as they explore their journey of faith.  Stay posted to the blog for more info of what I’m doing in life and in ministry!

Now onto the good stuff:

This past Sunday was my last Sunday here at FBC.  The church was incredibly generous in praying for us, thanking us and being a huge blessing to us.  So to all of you from FBC, THANK YOU!  We love you all dearly.  I had the opportunity to preach, to laugh (thanks Bob Miller), and to pour my heart out.  Then later that day was my last youth group.  What a great night!  There were some highlights for sure.  I loved being able to share with students the one thing I want them to remember: To Love God, and To Love Others.  We concluded the evening and my ministry here at FBC with a baptism service.  I could not be more proud of these six students!  Each of them had a story to tell about what brought them to this point and why they wanted to be baptized.  We cheered, hollered, screamed, and whistled in celebration of our six friends who decided to make a public statement that they are following CHRIST!

The pictures tell it all!

To all of the students at FBC, thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your pastor.  Thank you for trusting me.  Thank you for loving me.  Thank you for partnering in the kingdom mischief, I pray that you will keep it up.  I’m super proud of all of you!  God has great things in store for you.


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2 thoughts on “Chapters, Journeys, and other such things…

  1. Very proud of what God has used you to accomplish. I know that Daddy would be so very proud of you too. He’d be cheering on the sidelines as we did for many years…. Go-o-o-o-wes-ky! Nothing can be more satisfying than when your children love and serve the Lord. All glory to God!

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